A massive collection of my League of Legends works!
Will be updated as I draw new pieces! (which is pretty often hehe)

| 2017 - 2018 |

2017 through to 2018 was a pretty big time for league art. The Academy comics were still going and my passion for these characters was through the roof. Even tried my hand at a few skin ideas and some experimental painting! Some which still hold up even to this day.

| 2019-2020 |

| 2021 - 2022 |

| Youtube Banners | 2017

Old Youtube banners for the community spotlight channel!
I worked on these banners during 2017 so they're quite old at this point! (There's even the old Fiddlesticks)

| Season 9 promo |2018

Had the pleasure of working on two promo ads back before season 9 had launched. I still love the Blood Moon was since it was such a huge favourite and it still is to this day ♥
Blood moon Jhin my beloved

| LoR V-day piece |2022

A massive piece made for LoR!
A huge thank you for giving me the chance to create something so fun and wholesome for the community

| 2023 |

| Odyssey Warwick Concept | Fan Skin

| 2024 |



Academy Adventures was a small slice of life comic series done in collaboration with Riot. It was mostly centred around the four Academy skins at the time, (Ahri, Vlad, Darius, Ekko) but featured tons of other characters all with their own version of Academy skins!


The name's Tei and I'm a casual LoL player but my love for the characters and lore goes beyond the stars!
I've been into League for 10+ years now and while I like to dabble in other fandoms every now and then, I always come back to the place that I feel at home with.
I used to run a Tumblr RP blog for Talon back in 2014 and kept it going till about 2017-2018 so a lot of my art and ideas stem from there. My old username 'Gutter Rat' also began there! Talon, among /many/ other characters, have a huge place in my heart and I hope that it shines through in the art I create for them.
In terms of art that I like to create it ranges from illustrations to concepts. Enjoy the art!

In September 2024 I created a challenge for myself to draw and dedicate a week of art to a few of my favourite league characters °˖✧